デッキ評価に必要な試合数は?How many games are necessary for deck evaluation?(hearthstone,ハースストーン)
This is an article about hearthstone.
When recombining the deck or creating the original deck, it is necessary to evaluate the deck.
In other words, we actually verify how much we can win by using the deck.
However, due to the nature of the game, the victory or defeat is affected by randomness in many parts, even if you won three consecutive victories, for example, you can not judge whether the deck is strong or lucky.
Therefore, it is necessary to perform a certain number of games to evaluate the deck.
In this article, when evaluating the deck, how many games you can evaluate can be evaluated by simulation.
Define the meta as follows.
Meta consists of multiple deck types and their composition ratio, and the winning ratio between deck types.
In other words, each deck type exists to what extent, and how much each deck type can win against other deck types.
The analysis condition is replaced with the code described at the bottom of the article.
The conclusion is as follows.
The number of matches to evaluate the deck depends on the true winning percentage of that deck.
If you want to evaluate whether the winning percentage exceeds 50%, the relationship between the number of games required and the true winning percentage of the deck is as shown in the figure.
However, the horizontal axis represents the true win percentage of the deck, and the vertical axis represents the number of required games.
Two suggestions for practice are given below.
· When you create an original deck and verify whether it is stronger than the average it is considered that roughly 30 to 40 war will be a standard.
· If you want to evaluate the replacement of an existing deck type card, you can not evaluate it unless you do 100 or more races, which is not realistic. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to evaluate not only the simple winning percentage but also the movement during the game.
The code can be executed with Copy.
from numpy.random import * def gene(type_n, ave): type_n = randint(5, 10) meta_exist = [rand() for i in range(type_n)] meta_exist = list(map(lambda x: x / sum(meta_exist), meta_exist)) meta_win_rate = [] for n in range(type_n): tmp=[] for m in range(type_n): if n==m: tmp.append(0.5) else: nor_rnd = normal(rand()*0.3+0.40,0.05) if nor_rnd < 0: nor_rnd = 0 tmp.append(nor_rnd) meta_win_rate.append(tmp) return(meta_exist,meta_win_rate)
from numpy.random import * import numpy as np def simulation(meta_exist,meta_win_rate): my_deck_type = 0 run_n = 2000 sim_n = 100 output = [] for run in range(run_n): output_run = [] play_count = 0 win_count = 0 for n in range(sim_n): rnd = rand() s = 0 for your_deck_type in range(len(meta_exist)): s = s + meta_exist[your_deck_type] if s > rnd: break play_count = play_count + 1 if rand() < meta_win_rate[my_deck_type][your_deck_type]: win_count = win_count + 1 output_run.append(win_count/play_count) output.append(output_run) truth_win_rate=0 for n in range(len(meta_exist)): truth_win_rate = truth_win_rate + meta_win_rate[my_deck_type][n]*meta_exist[n] output_t = list(map(list, zip(*output))) return output_t,truth_win_rate
import sys import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np meta_n = 50 a = [0 for i in range(meta_n)] b = [0 for i in range(meta_n)] for n in range(meta_n): sys.stdout.write("\r%d/%d" % (n+1 , meta_n)) sys.stdout.flush() meta_exist,meta_win_rate = gene(10,0.60) output_t,truth_win_rate = simulation(meta_exist,meta_win_rate) b[n] = truth_win_rate stdev_u = [] stdev_d = [] flag = 0 for m in output_t: stdev_u.append(np.mean(m)+np.std(m)) stdev_d.append(np.mean(m)-np.std(m)) if flag ==0 and np.mean(m)-np.std(m)>0.45: a[n] = output_t.index(m) flag = 1 plt.scatter(b,a) plt.show()